Our Focus
HRI was founded with three fundamental pillars: data, coaching, and collaboration.
HRI views and treats data as an asset. Data is protected, never given away, and has a return on investment. Data is the foundation for digital transformation and any analysis or algorithm is only as good and robust as the data used to build it. HRI invests in making data standard and anonymous, so it is easy to access and use from the HRI Platform.
Hydropower owner-operators are making many important decisions, from how to manage data to the best tools for accessing and analyzing data. Everyone is learning which sensors to install, how to optimize the use or non-use of M&D centers, and how to predict failures and degradations. We are all improving our knowledge and understanding in the changing hydropower and technology industry and HRI provides the tools to become analytically driven.
Working together provides better results. Digital transformation is about people changing how they work, enabling better decision making, and the ability to predict the future. The industry is stronger when people collaborate on important issues to find solutions to the new issues facing hydropower. Collaboration enables everyone to move forward.